One key strategy in Guelph's Community Energy Plan was the development of comprehensive district energy services to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency. The resulting District Energy Strategy has a long-term goal to serve approximately 50% of the City’s heating and cooling needs using district energy.

The Town's Community Energy Plan provides a vision for sustainable energy that would allow the community to manage energy resources and use, while contributing to economic development. The subsequent Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit Strategy lays a plan for existing residential homes to have deep energy efficiency retrofits, yielding efficiency gains between 30% and 50%.

In 2017, the Town of Oakville teamed with Sheridan College and Garforth/Baumann, to develop a comprehensive Community Energy Strategy to support its reputation of being “The Most Livable Town in Canada”.

In 2017, Windsor City Council unanimously approved the City’s Community Energy Plan. One of the CEP strategies called for retrofitting 80% of Windsor’s 60,000 existing homes by 2041 to meet the City’s energy and climate goals. This led to the development of the Residential Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit Business Case.

In late 2017, the City of Brampton teamed with Sheridan College and their strategic partner, Garforth International, to develop a comprehensive Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan that would support their “Brampton 2040 Vision”. The Heritage Heights CEP was also commissioned to identify a pathway to achieving a near net zero future for the Heritage Heights Community, Brampton’s last undeveloped area.